Leslie David
Art director, designer, illustratorLeslie David is a French designer, illustrator and art director. Her creative studio focuses on visual thinking and design for the fashion, beauty, art, music and culture industries. Leslie directs and designs projects encompassing branding, print, digital, product design, film and animation for brands including Chanel Beauty, Nike, Ed Banger, and Glossier. Next to her commercial projects she maintains a more meditative and self-reflective personal practice. This work allows her to develop less conventional territories, often finding inspiration in nature and more intimate worlds, imbued with vibrant colors and soft textures.
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Sarah Eisman Studio Sarah Eisman Studio

Tyler McGillivarySS22

Annelise Michelson

Butterfly studyExperimental

SowvitalCampaign concept

HermesDesign invitation

Reformation Brand identity

FlowersPersonal (AI)

AOIBrand identity

Chanel ElectroVinyl, poster, stikers design

GlossierLogo and brand identity

DevialetIllustration concept
